I’ve changes this up a bit. I’ve moved to using two weeks of my Friends Mix to get a better list, removing the artist that appear every week. Also makes it a bit easier to keep up with.
Every week Apple Music makes a Friends Mix. Each week I will make off the cuff “reviews” of the songs in this list. As Apple Music likes to put the same bands on the list often, so I will skip some of the tracks.
Wiper “Over the Edge” Early Wipers is essential punk, that doesn’t really sound like anyone else. Listened to it all.
Chavez “Pentagram Ring” 90s rock, somewhere between noise rock and classic rock. Could use more hooks. Listened to it all.
Sebadoh “Hoppin’ Up and Down” One of the not so great songs on III. Listened to it all.
Brainiac “Flash Ram” Robot rock, just listen to Brainiac. Listened to it all.
Jesus Lizard “Puss” Never did much for me, this is apparently still true. Listened to it all.
Cola “Tracing Hallmarks” Sounds kind of like Silkworm meets Spoon. It’s pleasant enough but nothing that ropes me in. Listened to 1:29.
Upright Forms “Heaven Knows” Upbeat pretty good 90s indie punk. Listened to all of it.
Avail “On the Nod” 90s punk/hardcore. It’s fine. Listened to it all.
Samiam “Clean” If you don’t know take melodic West Coast punk/hardcore and mash it with DC melodic punk/hardcore. I prefer “Billy” and “ Listened to all of it.
Screeching Weasel “Someplace Else” Yeah Ben Weasel, all I can think of the “punk king” wearing a Celtic Frost shirt. I do like the second two records, this being one. Listened to it all.
Suicidal Tendencies “Institutionalized” I never need to hear this again. Listen to the rest of the record instead. 28 seconds.
D.O.A. “The Prisoner” Early D.O.A. Is great. Stay away from that later stuff. Listened to it all.
Gray Matter “Thog” 90s Discord, slower melodic and great songs. Weird fucking cover art. Listened to it all.
SNFU “The Devil’s Voice” If you like 80s hardcore and don’t like the first two SNFU albums there is something wrong with you. Listened to it all.
Voxtrot “Fast Asleep” Always thought this was post punk. guess not, jangly indie rock. Listened to a minute and five seconds.
The Allman Brothers Band “Ain’t Wastin’ Time No More” Time has not softened my disdain for this hippy jam bullshit. 30 seconds.
Built to Spill “Dystopian Dream Girl” What’s not to love, if Dino Jr was from the Pacific Northwest. Listened to it all.
Die Kreuzen “Among the Ruins” The greatest band from Wisconsin. They go more Killing Joke/Bauhaus here. Listened to it all.
Mudhoney “Running Loaded” I really want to love Mudhoney, then I go listen to Green River instead. Listened to it all.
Jawbox “Green Glass” DC goes to the majors. All of Jawbox’s albums are great. A streamlined Fugazi? Listened to it all.
Girls Against Boys “Cruise Your New Baby Fly Self” Slowly warming up to this after 30 years. Listened to it all.
Treepeople “Clouds and Faces” What Doug Marstch did before Built to Spill, more punk and out of control. All of it is worth your time. Listened to it all.
Jawbreaker “Shield Your Eyes” Still a pass. 32 seconds.
Big Boys “We Got Soul” I’d really like to say I like them. Annoying funk punk. 57 seconds.
Shiner “Cake” A band you might think I’d like. Nope. 52 seconds.
Silkworm “Grotto of Miracles” Why does everyone like this boring, morose shit? 33 seconds.
Amebix “Arise!” Kind of like an AnarchoPunk Venom. Their comeback album “Sonic Mass” is what to listen to though. Listened to it all.
Articles of Faith “Buried Alive” Best hardcore band out of Chicago, ferocious and melodic. Listened to it all.
Dag Nasty “Values Here” Kings of melodic hardcore, first two albums are essential. Listened to it all.
Big Drill Car “Freedom of Choice” A big yawn of a cover, listened to “Album/CD/Cassette Type Thing” instead. 41 seconds.
Finom “Hungry” Pleasant 90 type indie rock with a motorik beat. Listened to all of it.
Kim Deal “Coast” Embarrassingly bad, stop the horns for the love of all that is good. 33 seconds.
This is Lorelei “Perfect Hand” It’s so easy to make awful electronic music. 23 seconds.
Soul Asylum “Beggars and Choosers” One of my favorite albums. So great before “Runaway Train. Listened to all of it.
Julian Cope “My Nation Underground” Where’s that skip button, shitty white guy funk. 13 seconds.