Check Out the Riot Documentary “Fight or Fall”.

Riot Restless Breed Line Up

The band Riot is a favorite band and their album “Fire Down Under” is an all top ten album for me. Being a fan since 81-82 I have come across very little information about the band. Which reminds me to check out Martin Popoff’s book “Swords and Tequila: Riot’s First Decade” from a few years back.

Continue reading “Check Out the Riot Documentary “Fight or Fall”.”

Check Out the Riot Documentary “Fight or Fall”.

New Afghan Whigs album coming, here’s a new song.

Album cover
Afghan Whigs “In Spades”

The reunion shows I saw at the Metro in Chicago (2012?) were fantastic, as good as I had ever seen them. The band was white-hot and Greg Duli commanded the stage as few seem able to do.

The record was not as successful. “Do to the Beast” was good but I haven’t returned to it much. This new song is also good but it’s lacking something, maybe it’s former guitarist Rick McCollum’s playing.

Here’s the first track released off of the new album “In Spades”

Afghan Whigs Web Site

New Afghan Whigs album coming, here’s a new song.

Check out this interview with Adny Shernoff on “Rock and/or Roll”

My friend BJ Kramp does a great podcast called “Rock and/or Roll” one of  my favorite podcasts. Always informative and ridiculously in-depth.

Episode 44 had Adny Shernoff, most famously of the Dictators. Listen then listen to the rest of the episodes. Great stuff.

Disclaimer I have appeared on a few episodes, you should check it out regardless.

Website / Episode list




Check out this interview with Adny Shernoff on “Rock and/or Roll”