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- 3 “Empathy”
- 7 Seconds “Calendar” from “New Wind”
- 7 Seconds “Here’s Your Warnning” from “the Crew”
- 7 Seconds “Walk Together Rock Together” from “Walk Together Rock Together”
- 7% Solution “The Road and the Common” from “All About Satellites and Spaceships”
- 7% Solution “Carousel” from “Gabriel’s Waltz”
- 8Bark “Structurally Sound” from “Structurally Sound”
- 20/20 “Remember the Lightning” from “20/20”
- 20/20 “A Girl Like You” from “Look Out!”
- 31 Knots “Welcome to Stop” from “The Curse of the Longest Day”
- 45 Grave “Party Time” from “Sleep in Safety”
- 220 Volt “Prisoner of War” from “220 Volt”
- 220 Volt “Airborne Fighter” from “Power Games”
- 707 “Mega Force” from “Mega Force”
- 911 “Hellhound” from “demo”